The PROCURE Ride App

PROCURE has developed an application dedicated to The Tour of Courage PROCURE allowing you to record your bike rides and monitor your kilometres and distance travelled.

How to use the PROCURE Ride App

1) Download the application PROCURE Ride App on the App Store (Apple) or Google Play (Android);

2) Enter the email address used for your registration to The Tour of Courage PROCURE 2024 and enter your user code.

*** USER CODE ***

To use the app, you have to enter your user code (API Key), which you received via email when you registered as a participant. If you forgot your code, you can find it by logging into your participant account on The Tour of Courage website, by clicking on the "Login" button in the top menu. 

Capture d’écran 2023-05-09 135536.jpg

Once you have logged in, come back to this page and your user code will be displayed between the brackets right here :

[ ]

3) Cumulate your kilometres at the start of your ride by clicking on "Start";

4) Start your ride by clicking on the "play" button. You can pause and restart at any time;

5) Record your ride. You will be able to see the details of your outings in the "Activities" tab and the total of your kilometers will be found in the "Ranking" tab on the application and will also be synchronized on the website on the Page : Ranking (KM).


Procedure to follow to manually add your kilometers

Watch the following explanatory video to find out how to manually add a bike ride that has not been recorded on the application, but for which you want to accumulate the kilometers.

For any questions, please contact: or 514 341-3000

RIDE APP - Personal information protection policy